Expert research analysis
An in-depth consultation by our experts to determine the type of product along with key elements and use.
We combine our decades of experience along with your passions and ideas to bring your remarkable products to market.
An in-depth consultation by our experts to determine the type of product along with key elements and use.
A working document that outlines the brand, consumer target, type of application, sensory attributes, and essential ingredients.
An initial sample produced for evaluation allowing for adjustments within product scope such as viscosity, feel, or fragrance and other minor changes.
We provide lab batches up to 100 units once your formulation is approved. Lab batches are used to evaluate results. This gives your business the chance to make the final decisions on the quantity of each batch, the packaging, the decoration, the shipping, and any extra point-of-sale materials required to launch your new product.
Take the first step to get started on your product
Whether you want to emulate products already on the market or need the expertise of our chemists to formulate novel or innovative products, we are your ideal partner. We develop formulations for optimized delivery vehicles, new and cutting edge active ingredients, and complex cosmetic appeal.
Basic Formulation
Our most cost effective way for you to launch a new product
Custom Formulation
Creates a unique formulation where you can own your own intellectual property
Advanced Formulation
Formulation for new innovative ingredients and applications where you own your own intellectual property